Dr. Tim Irwin




3 Faces

Cara Gaskins - Tuesday, October 27, 2015

It is my mission to help you grow as a leader and equip you to create a more meaningful impact! The videos you will receive in the coming weeks were created with you in mind.

I recently sat down with the team at Leadercast to share some of the lessons I’ve learned in my years of consulting. In this first video, I identify the 3 faces of a leader – Style, Conduct, and Core. It is my belief that our Core, more than any other dimension, determines our ability to make an impact!

For the next 30 days, this video will only be available to subscribers of my blog! Please use the password CORE when prompted, and if you would like to share this with someone, please forward this email to them so they will have the password as well.

Here are a few action items for you to consider…

  1. Spend time contemplating the health of your Core. What thoughts are you believing about yourself that may not be accurate?
  2. Ask a family member, friend, or trusted colleague if they see any areas of your life or leadership that have been characterized by arrogance.
  3. Want a more detailed analysis of your Core’s strength? Take one of my free assessments!

Dr. Tim Irwin

© Copyright 2015. Dr. Tim Irwin and Irwin Inc, LLC. All rights reserved.

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